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Sausalito Art & Music Festival (09/05 ~ 09/07)

페이지 정보

작성일15-08-31 22:53 조회3,661회 댓글0건


Held every Labor Day weekend (9/5/15-9/7/15) this art fair is known as “The Granddaddy” of outdoor festivals. It attracts over 50,000 fans, 20,000 works of art, 260 artists and 25 live performers. Live music, by top headliners on three different stages, plays non-stop all day .  Art prices run from about $5.00-$100,000 and entry tickets cost $25 each which seems a little steep but certainly does not stop the crowds.  See more.  While you are there also check out the nearby ICB Art Studios.


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