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무료 시민권 워크샵 산호세 (10/24 ~ 10/24)

페이지 정보

작성일15-10-23 11:19 조회2,685회 댓글0건


FREE Citizenship Workshops in San Jose, CA
Seven Trees Community Center

Come take the next step TODAY,
become an American Citizen!

Learn about the requirements and process to
become a US citizen
• If eligible, get help completing your naturalization application
• If eligible, get help requesting a fee waiver Receive information regarding English and Citizenship classes
• Receive study materials to prepare for the citizenship exam ALL FOR FREE!

Free Citizenship Workshop

Seven Trees Community Center
3590 Cas Drive
San Jose, CA 95111

Saturday October 24, 2015

Please RSVP (408)385-9980

The New Americans Campaign is an innovative and unprecedented effort that brings together a coalition of funders, leading national immigration and service organizations, and over one hundred local service providers across 17 different cities to help aspiring Americans reach their dream of citizenship. To learn more about the New Americans Campaign, please visit www.newamericanscampaign.org and follow the conversation at #NewAmericans.


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* 게시일 1년씩 검색합니다. '이전검색','다음검색'으로 계속 검색할 수 있습니다.
** 본 게시판의 게시물에 대하여 회사가 법적인 책임을 지지 않습니다.