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56회 화이트 엘리판트 세일(북가주 최대 벼룩시장) (03/07 ~ 03/08)

페이지 정보

작성일15-03-04 15:25 조회2,349회 댓글0건


56th White Elephant Sale: 96,000 Sq Ft Rummage Sale | Oakland
Saturday, March 7 – All Day | Cost: FREE* | White Elephant Sale Warehouse
33 Lancaster St., Oakland, CA

The White Elephant Sale has been taking one person’s trash and recycling it into someone else’s treasure for more than 50 years and the giant rummage sale is back.


56th Annual White Elephant Sale
Sat-Sun, March 7-8, 2015 | 10 am to 4 pm
White Elephant Sale Warehouse, 33 Lancaster St., Oakland
FREE admission plus there’s a free shuttle bus from Fruitvale BART

The biggest rummage sale in Northern California, the White Elephant Sale is housed in a 96,000-square-foot warehouse arranged into 17 departments with millions of items from vintage clothing to sporting goods, jewelry, art, furniture, books, music and children’s clothing and toys.

Proceeds from the sale, which is sponsored by the Oakland Museum Women’s Board, support many of the museum’s exhibitions and educational programs.


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