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TWINSTERS (입양인협회와 함께하는 영화 감상) (07/31 ~ 08/06)

페이지 정보

작성일15-07-07 14:10 조회5,458회 댓글0건


When do you want see TWINSTERS? The documentary will be shown in downtown Redwood City and AKA-SF will support a limited # of tickets - let us know what date between July 31 - August 6 you want to see the movie. Email info@aka-sf.org!

"In February 2013, Anaïs Bordier, a French fashion student living in London, stumbled upon a YouTube video featuring Samantha Futerman, an actress in Los Angeles, and was struck by their uncanny resemblance. After discovering they were born on the same day in Busan, Korea and both put up for adoption, Anaïs reached out to Samantha via Facebook. Twinsters explores the meaning of family and connection through a story that would have been impossible just 10 years ago without the creation of YouTube and Facebook."


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