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삼천리반도 금수강산 - 호산나찬양대 The Korean Peninsula Beautiful Land (영한자막)

페이지 정보



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxuCQ7vNOFc Click the link if auto video feature does not work on your browser.

새찬송가 580장 - 삼천리반도금수강산 [다니엘 새찬송가 전집 12]

원본 한국가사

(1)삼천리 반도 금수강산
하나님 주신 동산
삼천리 반도 금수강산
하나님 주신 동산
이 동산에 할 일 많아 
사방에 일꾼을 부르네
곧 이 날에 일 가려고
그 누가 대답을 할까
일하러 가세 일하러 가
삼천리 강산 위해
하나님 명령 받았으니
반도 강산에 일하러 가세
(2)삼천리 반도 금수강산
하나님 주신 동산
삼천리 반도 금수강산
하나님 주신 동산
봄 돌아와 밭 갈 때니
사방에 일꾼을 부르네
곧 이 날에 일 가려고
그 누가 대답을 할까  
(3)삼천리 반도 금수강산
하나님 주신 동산
삼천리 반도 금수 강산
하나님 주신 동산
곡식 익어 거둘 때니
사방에 일꾼을 부르네
곧 이 날에 일 가려고
그 누가 대답을 할까
유샤인 번역

The Korean peninsula, Beautiful land
God-given garden, Korea is
The Korean peninsula, Beautiful land
God-given garden, Korea is
Much work to do on this land 
Workers needed everywhere
Soon going to work on this day
Who will respond to the call from the Lord?

Let's go to work now, let's go to work
for this Korean peninsula
We've got the call from heavenly Father
Let's work. on the Korean Garden
2) The Korean peninsula, Beautiful land
God-given garden, Korea is
The Korean peninsula, Beautiful land
God-given garden, Korea is
Spring returned, time to plow 
Workers needed everywhere
Soon going to work on this day
Who will respond to the call of the Lord?

3)The Korean peninsula, Beautiful land
God-given garden, Korea is
The Korean peninsula, Beautiful land
God-given garden, Korea is
Crops' ready, time to harvest today
Workers needed everywhere
Soon going to work on this day
Who will respond to the call of the Lord?
Translation by Missionary Dr. Underwood

1.Riv-er and moun-tain, streams flow-ing clear,
Gar-den of God from heav-en;
Three-thou-sand-lee land, love-ly as dear,
Trust by our Fa-ther giv-en!
In this fair land So much to do!
Calls come for work-ers from ev-'ry side.
Right now, to-day, Who will come through?
Who is there here who will an-swer?
Out to the work! out, out through the land,
Land of the Fa-ther's fa-vor!
On us has fall-en God's clear comm-and;
In this garden - land let us go la-bor!

2.Riv-er and moun-tain, streams flow-ing clear,
Gar-den of God from heav-en;
Three-thou-sand-lee land, love-ly as dear,
Trust by our Fa-ther giv-en!
Spring-time is here Who'll go and plow?
Calls come for work-ers from ev-'ry side.
Right now, to-day, Who's read-y now?
Who is there here who will an-swer?

3.Riv-er and moun-tain, streams flow-ing clear,
Gar-den of God from heav-en;
Three-thou-sand-lee land, love-ly as dear,
Trust by our Fa-ther giv-en!
Har-vest is ripe Who'll reap the land?
Calls come for work-ers from ev-'ry side.
Right now, to-day, Who'll give a hand?
Who is there here who will an-swer?

다음 대목은 이곡을 편곡하신 김기영님이 첨부한

어둔 밤 마음에 잠겨
역사에 어둠 짙었을 때에  
아침 해 동쪽에 밝아
이 나라 여명이 왔다
고요한 아침의 나라
빛 속에 새롭다.
이 빛 삶속에 얽혀
이 땅에 생명 탑 놓아간다 
새 하늘, 새  땅아
길이 길이 꺼자지 않는
인류의 햇불 되어 타거라

맑은 샘 줄기 용솟아
거칠은 땅에 흘러적실 때
기름진 푸른 벌판이
눈앞에 활짝 트인다
고요한 아침의 나라
새 하늘 새 땅아
길이 꺼지지 않는
인류의 횃불되어 타거라

Dark Night gripped by hearts
When darkness covered even history
The morning Sun rose from the East
On this land, dawning came
The land of morning calm
Refreshed in the Light
This Light shown onto lives
The tower of life raised to heaven
The land of morning calm
New Heaven and New Earth
Forever, forever burning. may you
be the burning torch for humanity

Clean spring water flows out,
wetting the dried toughened land
rich green fields
Being  spread before our eyes

The land of morning calm,
A new heaven, A new 
Forever, forever burning
 May you be the burning torch for humanity

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4urFinVpog Click the link if auto video feature does not work on your browser.

작성일2019-01-24 22:57

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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