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White Сranes (Журавли́) - Dmitri Hvorostovsky 하얀 학 (러시아 노래) English & …

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JJYZOtavKw Click the link if auto video feature does not work on your browser.

 White Сranes (Журавли́) :  MARVELLOUS: Listen to the most popular Russian song for the last 45 years - 

Zhuravli (Russian: «Журавли́»; Cranes), composed in 1968, is one of the most famous Russian songs about World War II.

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSHdcMcCE1U Click the link if auto video feature does not work on your browser.





huravli (Журавли)

Мне кажется порою, что солдаты
С кровавых не пришедшие полей,
Не в землю нашу полегли когда-то,
А превратились в белых журавлей.

Они до сей поры с времен тех дальних
Летят и подают нам голоса.
Не потому ль так часто и печально
Мы замолкаем глядя в небеса?

Летит, летит по небу клин усталый,
Летит в тумане на исходе дня.
И в том строю есть промежуток малый -
Быть может это место для меня.

Настанет день и журавлиной стаей
Я поплыву в такой же сизой мгле.
Из-под небес по-птичьи окликая
Всех вас, кого оставил на земле.

Мне кажется порою, что солдаты
С кровавых не пришедшие полей,
Не в землю нашу полегли когда-то,
А превратились в белых журавлей.


White Cranes

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers,

Which haven't returned from blood's fields,

Haven't layed in our land,

But have turned into white cranes.


From those distant times

They fly and we hear their voices.

Is it because so often and so sadly

We are falling silent and looking into heaven?


The tired crane flock flies, flies through the sky,

Flies in the mist at the end of the day.

And it is a small gap in this order -

Perhaps this place is for me.


The day will come, and in such crane flock

I'll swim in the same blue-gray haze.

Calling out like a bird from the heavens

All of you who are left on earth.


Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers,

Which haven't returned from blood's fields,

Haven't layed in our land, 

But have turned into white cranes

유샤인 번역

하얀 학

내겐  이런 생각이 들어,  그 전사들
피로 물든 전쟁터에서 못 돌아와
우리 땅에 묻히지 못해서
하얀 학이 되었나?

세월부터 지금까지 그들
날아와 그들의 울음 들려줄 때
종종 너무나 슬퍼서
우린 천상을 바라보며 침묵하는가?

지친 학의 무리가 하늘을 질러 날으
안개 속을, 하루는 지는데

그 행렬 속에 빈틈 있으니
아마도 나를 위한 자리 같아

그날이 오겠지, 학의  무리로서
내가 회색 안개 속에 떠돌리니
천국에서 새처럼 소리 내어 부를 거야
지상에 남겨진 그대 모두를

때때로 내겐  이런 생각이 들어 전사들
피로 물든 전쟁터에서 돌아와
우리 땅에  묻히지 못해서
하얀 학이 었나?


The Dagestani poet Rasul Gamzatov, when visiting Hiroshima, was impressed by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and the monument to Sadako Sasaki. The memory of paper cranes made by the girl haunted him for months and inspired him to write a poem starting with the now famous lines:

"It seems to me sometimes that our soldiers

Who were not to return from fields of gore

Did not one day lie down into our land

But turned into a skein (wedge) of white cranes..."

The poem was originally written in Avar language, with many versions surrounding the initial wording. Its famous Russian translation was soon made by a Russian poet and translator Naum Grebnyov, and was turned into a song in 1969, becoming one of the best known Russian-language World War II ballads all over the world

The poem's publication in the journal Novy Mir caught the attention of the famous actor and crooner Mark Bernes who revised the lyrics and asked Yan Frenkel to compose the music. When Frenkel first played his new song, Bernes (who was ill with lung cancer) cried because he felt that this song was about his own fate: "There is a small empty spot in the crane wedge. Maybe it is reserved for me. One day I will join them, and from the skies I will call on all of you whom I had left on the Earth." The song was recorded from the first attempt on 9 July 1969. Bernes died a month after the recording on 16 August 1969, and the record was played at his funeral. Later on, "Zhuravli" would most often be performed by Joseph Kobzon.

In the aftermath, white cranes have become associated with dead soldiers, so much so that a range of World War II memorials in the former Soviet Union feature the image of flying cranes and, in several instances, even the lines from the song.

Singer Dmitri Hvorostovsky

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Mark Bernes

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers 

From the bloody fields that didn’t come  

Not once they fell into our land, 

And turned into white cranes.

They are still from the time of those distant 

They fly and give us voices. 

Not because it’s so often and sad 

Are we silent while looking to heaven?

A wedge flies across the sky, tired 

Flying in the fog at the end of the day 

And in that order there is a small gap, 

Maybe this place is for me.

The day will come, and with the crane flock 

I will swim in the same gray haze,  

From the sky, calling out like a bird  

All of you whom I left on earth.

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers 

From the bloody fields that didn’t come

Not once they fell into our land, 

And turned into white cranes ...


Sometimes I feel like the soldiers,

Who never returned from the bloodied fields,

Aren't perished in our earth,

But turned into white cranes


Since those long gone times until today

They fly and give us signs, so we can hear them.

Isn't this why so frequently and sorrowfully

We fall silent, watching the sky?


A tired flock is flying, flying up in the sky,

Through the fog, at the end of the day.

And among them there's a small gap,

Perhaps that's the place for me


The day will come when together with the cranes

I will float in that same blue-gray mist,

With a bird's hailing out of the heavens,

작성일2019-11-23 20:55

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