SF ♥ Music Cafe
* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

Ode to 김제비: The Silver-Tongue Devil and I

페이지 정보



껄쩍지근한 토욜 밤입니다.

씨나락의 대가요
지칠 줄 모르는 BS의 Epitome,
자칭 제비계의 2인자로 불림을
가문의 수치로 여긴다는
김제비님을 멘붕케 할 수 있는
Kristofferson의 노래가 생각났습니다.
암튼 저는 "Some even say we're the same" 이 부분에서
완전 넘어졌습니다...
하여, 방님들과 같이 나누고져 합니다.
76년 씩이나 오래 살다 보면 별일이
다 있는거져 안글습니까 김제비님...ㅋㅋ

I took myself down to the Tally Ho Tavern,
To buy me a bottle of beer.
And I sat me down by a tender young maiden,
Who's eyes were as dark as her hair.
And as I was searching from bottle to bottle,
For something un-foolish to say.
That silver tongued devil just slipped from the shadows,
And smilingly stole her away.

I said: "Hey, little girl, don't you know he's the devil.
"He's everything that I ain't.
"Hiding intentions of evil,
"Under the smile of a saint.
"All he's good for is getting in trouble,
"And shiftin' his share of the blame.
"And some people swear he's my double:
"And some even say we're the same.
"But the silver-tongued devil's got nothing to lose,
"I'll only live 'til I die.
"We take our own chances and pay our own dues,
"The silver tongued devil and I."

Like all the fair maidens who've laid down beside him,
She knew in her heart that he'd lied.
Nothin' that I could have said could have saved her,
No matter how hard that she tried.
'Cos she'll offer her charms to the darkness and danger,
Of somethin' that she's never known.
And open her arms at the smile of a stranger,
Who'll love her and leave her alone.

And you know, he's the devil.
He's everything that I ain't.
Hiding intentions of evil,
Under the smile of a saint.
All he's good for is getting in trouble,
And shiftin' his share of the blame.
And some people swear he's my double:
And some even say we're the same.
But the silver-tongued devil's got nothing to lose,
I'll only live 'til I die.
We take our own chances and pay our own dues,
Ah ha ha ha.

작성일2013-08-17 21:39

김기자님의 댓글

참말로 살다 살다
76년 인생을 살다보니...

별님도 만나고
별도 보고
별일도 다 생겼습니다....

76세 늙다리 제비
김제비를 맨붕케 하신
75세 각제비님의 수고에
감사와 찬양을 드리며...

이 왠수는 꼭, 반드시, 기필코 갚아 드리겠습니다요 ^^
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