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California OKs $600 stimulus payments: See if you qualify

페이지 정보




SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The California Legislature has approved $600 payments for about 5.7 million people.

Gov. Gavin Newsom has said he will sign the legislation into law.

People with low to moderate incomes will be eligible to get the money. That includes people who claim the California earned income tax credit on their tax returns. In general, those people make $30,000 or less per year.

Immigrants who pay taxes using an individual taxpayer identification number and make $75,000 a year or less after deductions would also get the money.

People who receive assistance from state programs benefiting low-income families and people who are blind and disabled are also eligible.

Some people fit both of those categories. In those cases, they will get $1,200, not $600. The Democratic-controlled state Legislature did this because most people who file their taxes this way are immigrants who were not eligible for federal stimulus checks Congress approved last year.

작성일2021-02-23 11:34

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