캘리포니아 스키 동호회
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파파이스, 아이 돈 노 메뉴,,, ㅎㅎ Popeyes offers ‘I Don’t Know Meal’ for the unde…

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뭐 먹고 싶냐고 할때 성의없이 "아무거나" 라고 하는 사람들에게 적합한 메뉴인듯,
그래도 인기있던 치킨샌드위치라니 맛은 보장되겠네요.


Popeyes offers ‘I Don’t Know Meal’ for the undecided diner

HOUSTON (KIAH) — How many of you have gone to the drive-thru at a fast-food joint and said, “I don’t know,” when asked what you’d like to order? Show of hands!

Well, Popeyes is trying out a new menu item called the “I Don’t Know Meal” for people who can’t decide what to get.

Popeyes has dubbed it “the perfect meal when your partner doesn’t know what to eat.”

When you pull up to the drive-thru window and ask your companion, “What do you want?” and the answer is, “I don’t know,” you can respond with, “Okay, great. I’ll get you that then.”
What’s in the ‘IDK meal’?

So what did you just order? The “I Don’t Know Meal” is Popeyes’ most popular menu item: a chicken sandwich, and you get a bonus “premium lemonade” for free when you order online or through their app.

It’s available for $3.99 for a limited time at participating locations, via the company’s reward program.

The Popeyes chicken sandwich kicked off the chicken sandwich war in August 2019. It sold out two weeks after its August debut and didn’t return until November 2019. Since then, the chicken sandwich competition in the fast-food industry has heated up.

작성일2021-06-24 16:11

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