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산타클라라 카운티, 모든직원 백신접종여부 확인 관리? Workplace COVID vaccine tracking: What y…

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Workplace COVID vaccine tracking: What you need to know about Santa Clara County’s new rules
Workers not fully vaccinated or who refuse to disclose their status will be asked again every 14 days

Santa Clara County is requiring all business and government employers to determine and record the vaccination status of their employees, contractors and volunteers working at their facilities in the county by June 1. Below is the county’s FAQ about these new rules.

Why are businesses and governmental entities required to ask about and record the vaccination status of their workers?

Vaccines are the most effective way to reduce transmission of COVID-19, and to prevent people from getting sick or dying from COVID-19.  The rules that businesses and governmental entities have to follow to protect workers from COVID-19 are different depending on whether a worker is vaccinated or not. Businesses and governmental entities need to know the vaccination status of their workers so they can follow the rules, and so they can keep their workers, customers, and the community safe.

What should businesses and governmental entities do to determine vaccination status of their workers?

Businesses and governmental entities must determine whether each of their employees (and any contractors or volunteers working in their facilities) is fully vaccinated or not. Businesses and governmental entities must have a record for each staff member reflecting that person’s vaccination status.  The record may document a business’s or governmental entity’s review of documentation establishing vaccination status (e.g., the employee’s vaccine card), or the employee’s completed Self-Certification of Vaccination Status. A template Self-Certification of Vaccination Status is available here.

I have a worker who won’t tell me whether they are vaccinated? What do I do?

You must document that the worker declined to disclose his or her vaccination status, assume that they are not fully vaccinated, and follow all the rules that apply to workers who are not fully vaccinated.

What is the deadline for determining the vaccination status of my workers?

You must request and document the vaccination status of all personnel no later than June 1, 2021.  For workers who were not fully vaccinated or declined to disclose their vaccination status, you are required to request updated vaccination status every 14 days thereafter (e.g., June 15, June 29, July 13, etc.).

Do businesses have to keep records of who is vaccinated and who is not?Yes. Businesses and governmental entities must maintain records of who is vaccinated and who is not until the provision of the Order requiring ascertainment of vaccination status is no longer effective. Businesses and governmental entities must follow applicable rules related to the confidentiality of these records.

What happens if I don’t ask about the vaccination status of my workers?

Because businesses and governmental entities have to follow different rules for vaccinated as opposed to unvaccinated employees, all businesses must determine the vaccination status of their employees. Any business that fails to ask about and record the vaccination status of its workers is subject to enforcement, and may be required to pay fines of up to $5,000 per violation per day.

Do I have to ask about and record the vaccination status of my workers if they are working remotely?

You are required to determine the vaccination status of all workers who perform any work at a facility or worksite in the county. You are also strongly encouraged, but not required by the Order, to determine vaccination status for all other personnel.

작성일2021-05-19 12:12

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