캘리포니아 스키 동호회
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수요일 26일 새벽에 슈퍼문 일식 볼 수 있어요..

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How to see Wednesday’s supermoon eclipse from the Bay Area
Total lunar eclipse will be visible around 4:15 a.m.

PUBLISHED: May 24, 2021 at 6:50 a.m. | UPDATED: May 24, 2021 at 10:52 a.m.

The full moon will experience a total eclipse Wednesday morning, an effect made more eye-catching by its “supermoon” status.

Totality will be reached around 4:10 a.m., as the moon descends toward the western horizon, and will last about 15 minutes. During that time, when the moon is completely within the Earth’s shadow, it will appear a rusty red.

Because it is at perigee — its closest point to the Earth — this month’s full moon will appear particularly large, especially when it is near the horizon.

The eclipse will technically begin at 1:47 a.m., but “if you look up then, you’re not going to see anything,” said Benjamin Burress, an astronomer at the Chabot Space & Science Center.

But by 2:45 a.m., viewers will see the moon start to creep into the shadow of the Earth. It will look “like a little bite has been taken out of a cookie,” said Burress.

Though the totality of this eclipse will be short, it’s “still very beautiful,” said Burress. The moon “seems to go very dark and glow dark red. It can take on an almost 3D look to it, like you can reach up and grab it with your hand,” he said.

Though the moon, Earth, and Sun will be aligned during the total eclipse, slivers of sunlight will still peek around the Earth and reflect off of the shadowed moon, Burress explained. It will look red because of how the molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere filter out the shorter wavelengths of blue light emanating from the Sun, he said.

By the time the partial phase of the eclipse ends, shortly before 6 a.m., the moon will have gone out of sight behind the western hills for most viewers in the Bay Area and the sky will have started to lighten.

For those hoping to get a look at the “supermoon” eclipse, there’s no need to get away from bright urban areas, Burress said. He advised viewers to find a spot with an unobstructed view of the southwest horizon.

“The moon will be low in the sky, so don’t pick a place that is obstructed to the southwest by things like trees or buildings.”

Burress also said that coastal spots might not be ideal because of potential fog.

Even inland, cloud cover could make for less than optimal viewing. Wednesday’s forecast suggests the usual “gray May” overcast in the early hours.

The last total lunar eclipse visible in the Bay Area occurred in January 2019. For that one, the moon was farther away and higher in the sky.

After the moon sets on Wednesday morning, Bay Area residents will have to wait about a year to see the next total lunar eclipse on May 16, 2022, Burress said.

The Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland will be livestreaming Wednesday’s eclipse on Facebook and YouTube starting at 1:30 a.m.

작성일2021-05-24 12:40

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