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산마테오 카운티, 화요일(23일) 레드티어로 변경, Bay Area county moves to Red tier

페이지 정보



산마테오 카운티는 23일 화요일에 레드티어로 변경이 되어 실내식사 25%가 가능해지고
마린 카운티는 오늘 정오에 최종 결과 나올것이고
샌프란시스코는 아직은 안되나 봅니다.


Bay Area county moves to Red tier

SAN MATEO COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) — San Mateo County has been moved to the Red tier on Tuesday morning.

San Francisco stays in the Purple. In Marin, the county says it is waiting for final confirmation from the health department at noon for an update on its Tier status.

COVID-19 rates have been decreasing and counties are opening more vaccination clinics, despite a supply shortage. The California Department of Public Health determines when a county can move between tiers, “any day of the week,” and even more than once a week if necessary.

The state mostly uses average daily case rates per 100,000 people, as well as average percent positivity rates over seven days.

To move to the Red tier, a county must show that its average daily new cases over seven days dropped to 4-7 per 100,000, and its percent positivity rate is 5-8%.

See where each California county stands with the reopening tiers:

The Red tier allows:

Retail stores 50% indoor capacity
Museums and zoos: 25% capacity
Gyms: 10% indoor capacity
Indoor dining allowed at 25% capacity
Movie theaters open at 25% capacity

But even while moving to another phase of reopening, officials do not want residents to let their guard down.

For now, it is just three Bay Area counties that seem to be seeing hopeful case trends to shift tiers.

작성일2021-02-23 11:26

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