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산타클라라 카운티 여행 후 자가격리 해제, Santa Clara County lifts travel quarantine ord…

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Santa Clara County lifts travel quarantine order

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (KRON) – As coronavirus cases continue to decrease across the Bay Area, Santa Clara County on Tuesday announced it is lifting its 10-day travel quarantine order as the county moves into the less-restrictive red tier of the reopening plan.

The travel order, which was first in effect in November 2020, had required people coming into Santa Clara County from more than 150 miles away to quarantine for 10 days.

It’s the same travel order that was also implemented (and now lifted) in San Francisco.

Officials said everyone is still strongly recommended to quarantine, although it will no longer be required.

The changes are effective Wednesday, March 3, along with the following as cases continue to decrease:

    All activities authorized under the State’s Red Tier, including indoor dining, can resume in accordance with State capacity limits and safety protocols, including:
        Indoor dining at maximum 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer;
        Retail stores at maximum 50% capacity;
        Gyms and fitness centers at maximum 10% capacity;
        Movie theaters at maximum 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer; and
        Zoos, museums, and aquariums at 25% maximum indoor capacity.
    Sector and activity-specific local directives will no longer be in effect.

The lifting of Santa Clara County’s travel quarantine order comes as the county moves into the less-restrictive Red tier along with Napa and San Francisco counties.

The move means counties can reopen gyms, indoor dining, museums, movie theaters, and more.

작성일2021-03-02 16:11

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