캘리포니아 스키 동호회
* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

San Jose shopping center redevelopment proposal gets fresh look

페이지 정보



SAN JOSE — Nearly 1,000 homes, along with new shops and restaurants, could sprout in southwest San Jose on the site of a well-known shopping center under a revamped proposal by a veteran development firm.

The dramatic redevelopment would occur on a section of the El Paseo de Saratoga shopping center at the intersection of Saratoga Avenue, Quito Road, and Lawrence Expressway in San Jose, according to plans revealed by the project’s developer on Wednesday.

“We are attempting to be an engaged neighbor, and we want to make this a project that will get everyone excited about it, and a project that will work for us,” said Allison Koo, managing director with Sand Hill Property Co., the site’s owner and the developer of the proposed redevelopment.



작성일2021-03-17 17:25

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