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백신접종을 해도 코비드검사는 받아야 하는 이유... Why you should still get tested for COVID…

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백신을 맞아도 끝난것은 아니라고, 변종이 많이 발견이 되니...
코비드 검사를 받으라네요.

Why you should still get tested for COVID-19 even if you’ve been vaccinated

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) — As Santa Clara County transitions into the orange tier of the state’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy, the county is still leading efforts to provide easy and accessible testing for community members at high risk of exposure.

Santa Clara County’s COVID-19 testing teams are partnering with two community-based organizations as part of continuing efforts to increase access to testing.

ConXión and the Day Worker Center of Mountain View are offering free COVID testing for their clients and others who live in communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

“Everybody should get tested even if you’ve been vaccinated,” said Rose Amador-LeBeau, CEO of ConXión to Community.

“I know a lot of people think it’s over and it isn’t… there are all these variants out there now and it’s really important for people to continue to get tested.”

Amador-LeBeau tells KRON4 News as more people have been getting vaccinated, there has been a significant decline of people getting tested over the last several weeks.

“At one time there were long lines out the door,” said Amador-LeBeau.

“But no, there’s not as many people getting tested, so I think people have the misconception it’s not necessary to get tested anymore but it is.”

County health officials agree and are continuing to caution the public to continue to limit their exposure amid the reopening of activities, many of which remain to be high-risk.

Currently, ConXión is located in one of the county’s highest impacted zip codes. Area code 95122 has a cumulative case count of over 8,000.

“We’re located in 95122 and it’s one of the highest-impacted areas of COVID cases.”

“So it’s critical that people in this area get vaccinated, that they get testing ongoing, so they stop the spread of the virus in our community.”

The Day Worker Center of Mountain View will be hosting on-site testing at 113 Escuela Ave. in Mountain View Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In addition to testing at the Day Worker Center of Mountain View and ConXión, appointment-based testing continues at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds.

Walk-ins also continue to be accepted at standing pop-up sites in Gilroy and San José. Mobile testing buses will be in three locations in San José.

작성일2021-03-30 14:09

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