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자녀교육 | Math/Science Project Tutor

페이지 정보



Do your children ask many science question?

Why is sky blue? How does clock work? etc

There is a very good chance to improve your children's creativity and educate math and science through fun classes.

I'm a tutor for math and science (both for AP possible too). But not only for the regular tutoring, I can be a math/science project tutor too.

For younger kids, we can do fun hands-on experiments together and I will teach basic science principles as we can use their class-level math as a tool.

For the students who are preparing to apply college/univ in near future, we can do more advanced science projects depending on students' interest.

Please email me if you are interested in this and let me know about your children's interest.

Thank you

작성일2013-07-27 22:32

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자녀교육 목록
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