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자녀교육 | 2019 SILICON VALLEY MUSIC COMPETITION 실리콘밸리 청소년 음악경연대회

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2019 실리콘밸리 음악경연대회 개최안내입니다.
재능있는 학생들의 많은 참가를 바랍니다.

SILICON VALLEY PHILHARMONIC Orchestra is proudly announcing to open “2019 Silicon Valley Music
Competition” in the Bay Area to inspire and support our local young musicians for their experience and
There are 3 competition school groups, Elementary(1-5th), Middle(6-8th), and High(9-12th) by school
grade and instrumental classes including Piano, Woodwinds, Strings and Ensemble for competing
musical talents. After the competition, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honors Place performers by instrumental
classes in each school group are chosen for Certificate and Prize. Also the top scored performers of
each school group will be honored and posted as “The Grand Place Winner of the Year 2019” and
awarded Scholarship as well as performance opportunities for the future events of Silicon Valley
Philharmonic Orchestra.

 COMPETITION DAY 1: Saturday, MARCH 30, 2019, 10am-9pm | Violin, Viola, Cello
 COMPETITION DAY 2: Sunday, MARCH 31, 2019, 3pm-9pm | Woodwinds, Piano, Ensemble
▪ VENUE: LIGHT OF THE LORD COMMUNITY CHURCH, 2526 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051
▪ COMPETITION SCHOOL GROUPS: Elementary (1st-5th), Middle(6th-8th), High(9th-12th)
Strings(Violin, Viola, Cello), Woodwinds(Flute, Oboe, Clarinet), Piano(Piano), Ensemble(3-9 Players)
▪ APPLICATION PACKET: Application, A Copy of Music Score, Fee($75/Solo, $45/Each Player for an Ensemble)
▪ DEADLINE TO APPLY: Saturday, MARCH 16, 2019
1. STEP 1: Send an email with your application to svphil.org@gmail.com first.
2. STEP 2: Mail your music score and fee to SVPHIL (P.O. Box 18341, San Jose, CA 95158)
▪ COMPETITION INFO: www.SVPHIL.org , Phone: 408-890-0335, Email: svphil.org@gmail.com

 For the competition, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honors places are chosen and given Award Certificate and Souvenir by instrumental classes in each school group.
 A Grand Place Winner of High School Group: Award Certificate and Souvenir with $200 Scholarship
 A Grand Place Winner of Middle School Group: Award Certificate and Souvenir with $100 Scholarship
 A Grand Place Winner of Elementary School Group: Award Certificate and Souvenir with $100 Scholarship
 A Grand Place Winner of Ensemble Category: Award Certificate and Souvenir with $200 Scholarship

작성일2019-02-07 19:40

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