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자녀교육 | [ACE] College Consulting Seminar 1/24-1/26 (2,3차 마감)

페이지 정보



College Consulting Seminar
- Topics
1. The tendency of SAT & ACT and study skills & methods
2. Information of conferences and competitions for research papers in various areas 

- Instructor: James Ahn
* about a speaker : James Ahn matriculated at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Business-Economics in 2001. While pursuing his education, he completed the industry-renowned Junior Summer Internship program at Morgan Stanley. He later secured an opportunity to refine his understanding of financial investment instruments in the Sales & Trading division of Equity Capital Markets (ECM) at Cantor Fitzgerald & Co, a major global market maker in over 7,000 OTC securities. In 2004, after switching industries, he became the Academic Director of Kaplan Korea. In 2006, he became the first teacher to teach the SAT at Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, the most selective and prestigious boarding school in Korea. While he was providing admissions strategic consulting services to more than 20 students in the school’s first graduating class, some of his clients became the school’s first-ever students to attend Harvard University, Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania and University of California, Berkeley. In 2017, he became the regional director of Academic & Consulting Education, an umbrella global educational consulting group providing full vertical integration services. He has extensive working experience, having guided some of the finest students from Thomas Jefferson School, Choate Rosemary Hall, Busan Science Academy, Bergen Academies, school in Hong Kong, the prestigious Korean Minjok Leadership Academy, Seoul Foreign School, and other prestigious schools around the globe on their journey to attending top-tiered US schools.
Time and Location
1st seminar:
1/24 Thursday 11AM
ACE Dublin
7567 Amador Valley Blvd #205 Dublin, CA 94568
Tel) (925) 551-5365
Email) acedubsmanager@gmail.com

2nd seminar:
1/25 Friday
3rd seminar:
1/25 Friday 1PM
ACE Cupertino
1072 S De Anza Blvd B 203, San Jose, CA 95129
Tel) 408-873-3000
Email) acecupsmanager@gmail.com
4th seminar (in English)
1/25 Friday 4PM
ACE Cupertino
1072 S De Anza Blvd B 203, San Jose, CA 95129
Tel) 408-873-3000
Email) acecupsmanager@gmail.com
15 seats are available

5th seminar (in Korean)
1/26 Saturday 1PM
ACE Cupertino
1072 S De Anza Blvd B 203, San Jose, CA 95129
Tel) 408-873-3000
Email) acecupsmanager@gmail.com
16 seats are available

작성일2019-01-18 18:02

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