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자녀교육 | Boarding School을 선택하는 이유(3)

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From Western Boarding Schools Association

Why Boarding School?

In 2003, the Art and Science Group conducted a nationwide survey of over 2,700 high school students and adults at different points in their lives regarding their experiences in high school and their lives since. Highlights of the survey include the following key findings:
1. Students at boarding schools have a better experience in high school than do students of a similar profile in public and private day schools.
2. Students at boarding schools are better prepared for college and attend more prestigious colleges and universities than do students of a similar profile in public and private day schools.
3. Alumni of boarding schools appear to advance more quickly in their careers and are more active philanthropically.
4. Many of the prevailing negative stereotypes concerning boarding school are untrue.
5. Boarding students and alumni are overwhelmingly satisfied with the boarding experience.
6. Boarding students are considerably more likely to attend a top university or college than are non-boarders.
7. Boarding alumni are more likely to earn advanced degrees than are non-boarders.

Nobis가 연속적으로 연재해 온 Boarding School에 관한 글은 이미 밝혀진 이야기를 조사한 후 정리해서 쓴글입니다.

작성일2006-12-10 23:59

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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