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대학진학 | College application ESSAY - UPENN grad/professional essay reviewer for…

페이지 정보




My name is Esther/Eunjin and I edit college application essays. My personal passion is working with  Korean-American immigrant students. I understand that college applications can be stressful; I was the first child in my extended family to apply to and attend college in the USA. My goal is to help your students work hard to reach for the best opportunities.

- 아이비 리그 University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School of Business
- Majors: Legal Studies and Business Ethics, Marketing​

[Current full-time job]
- National college non-profit organization with direct relationships with admissions offices of 40 top colleges
- 40 clients include: Stanford, Yale, Princeton, MIT, UPenn, Columbia, USC, Northwestern, Brown, Duke, UChicago, Pomona, Caltech, and more
- I have read 1,450 college essays and train other professionals to review essays. I review hundreds of official college applications every year, then send the chosen ones to the 40 colleges
- I am professionally trained to understand what college admissions officers are looking for

[Private tutoring experience]
- 10 years experience
- Students ages 5-30 years old, new immigrants and native students
- English, reading comprehension, essay writing styles, grammar, pronunciation and dialogue, vocabulary, AP, PSAT, SAT



Your student will send me the essay(s) through email. It can be a rough draft or a final draft, but it should already be close to full-length. I will then provide complete feedback:

[Suggestions for improving]
- Sentence structure
- Paragraph organization and flow
- Writing style and tone
- Grammar and punctuation
- Word choice and vocabulary
- Ideas and examples used in the essay

[Thoughts an admissions officer might have when reading the essay]
- Ability to answer the essay prompt creatively and thoroughly
- Authenticity and professionalism in front of college admissions officers
- Effectiveness in presenting the applicant's life story in a unique manner

Everything will be online through Google Drive and email. I apologize in advance that I will not be able to meet in-person. Price will be per essay with a discount for more than one. If you desire follow-up feedback after you have made another draft, there will be a final read-over fee. Please email with more questions.


I will try my best to respond in 24 hours.

​I look forward to working with your family!


작성일2018-11-05 14:14

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