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페이지 정보



Read, Think, and Present!
Be Excellent!

READING TOWN is a franchise tutoring agency with its headquarter based in New York since 1986. We are Reading and Writing specialists! With nearly 35 years of experience and research, our locations have expanded to over 135 in the world in 12 different countries, mainly in U.S.A. and Canada. Our curriculum and materials have recently been updated to meet the common core standard. We offer quality learning by placing each student in small group classes of no more than three in each class with qualified teachers.


READING: Kindergarten - 8th Gr.
Students will read pre-selected books that have been recommended by public school teachers in America and engage in oral & written book summaries with supplementary studies of vocabulary and reading skills. Students will also have the option to read additional short and easy-to-read nonfiction books every week.

Public school teachers recommend READING as the essential necessity toward preparation for S.A.T. from a young age. The multiple meanings of each vocabulary will permeate the young minds intrinsically through context clues by consistent reading habits. Consistency is the key as it is imperative that students read and be exposed to a variety of genres of books, including nonfiction books, all through elementary, middle, and high school.

Reading comprehension skills is the fundamental foundation that is required for all subjects. Social Studies, History, Science, Biology, and other subjects demand advanced level of reading comprehension. Students can easily become apprehensive readers of the school textbooks unless their reading comprehension is leveled up to their reading material. Reading comprehension skills is the underlying foundation for strong writing skills, base to which students can exercise their thinking skills and enhance their creative minds until they ultimately learn to express and elaborate their thoughts in writing with sophistication and eloquence. Consistent and seasoned reading habits will reveal its quality upon which time the students will compete with the best young minds to enter the top universities in America.

NOTE: Students will read up to 100-150 books every year with our reading program.

PHONICS: Prekindergarten - 1st Gr.
Phonics skills at prekindergarten to 1st grade is vital as it will likely become the determination factor towards a student's consistent reading habits. Students will learn sight words, short/long vowel sounds and blending sounds. They will eventually read books at their reading level, from prekindergarten to 1st grade, and engage in oral and written book summaries. Students will also have an option to read additional short and easy-to-read nonfiction books every week at their grade level.

WRITING: 2nd - 8th Gr.
Students will learn to write several different types of essays they would be required to master through elementary, middle, and high school in America. They will engage in a comprehensive process of writing the narrative, the expository, the persuasive/descriptive, and other types of essays. The supplementary, grammar skills, lessons are also included in the writing program.

MATH: K - 12th Gr.
Private or group classes taught by elementary school and middle school teachers with focus on common core.

eBOOK STUDIES: Kindergarten - 5th Gr.
Free online ebook studies! Students can read ebooks for themselves or choose to have the ebooks be read to them. The program also includes fun vocabulary learning activities, printable online worksheets, and book quizzes.
*Available only at participating Reading Town locations.

Reading Town teachers are qualified with one or more of the following:
- BS/BA or higher degree with major/minor in related subject to teach
- Credential or master's program in progress with a major/minor in related subject to teach
- Credentialed or master's degree with major/minor in related subject to teach
- School teacher
- Retired or former school teacher

For more information about our programs, please visit our website or contact at information below:

510.418.4145 Direct Cell
510.358.2615 Office


작성일2018-12-04 17:41

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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