* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

자녀교육 | SAT 여름특강 Discount 마지막 기회 (그룹/1:1)

페이지 정보




• For individual signup by Saturday, May 18th 12pm:

$600 discount value!

• For group of 2 students signing up at same time.

$900 discount value!

• For group of 3 students signing up at same time.

 $1,200 discount value!

*** Valid for signups by Saturday, May 18th 12pm.

*** Discounts for signups after will still be available but at a lesser value.

*** Reference available.

Why study with me?

* 15+ years of SAT test prep teaching experience with an excellent track record of 1500+ scores in short period of time (2weeks ~ 3months)

June 2017- March 2019
- 1 perfect 1600 (SAT)
- 5 students 1570+ (SAT)
- 15 students 1550+ (SAT)
- 28 students 1500+ (SAT)
- more than 45 students that I have tutored SAT have gotten 1500+ in the past 20 months.

- 5 perfect 36 (ACT)
- 9 students have gotten 33+ (ACT)

SUMMER 2019 PROGRAM <early June ~ August> (for Aug 24th/Oct SAT test)

- 3hrs/day 4 days a week + 1 day monitored practice test
- Group size maximum 8-10
- 1:1 possible


6.10-6.30 / 7.07-8.09
(Week of 4th of July off)

MTWT 2:00-5:00pm class

F weekly practice test

Spots are limited~

For students who are willing to put in the effort to reach their personal goals, success rate in obtaining goal score is 95%+.

Meeting with student on signup consultation is recommended so I can explain my teaching philosophy and techniques.

* Use of personal material + actual practice tests from 2016-2018 real exams for SAT as well as past exams for ACT.

* Detailed methodology for reading (annotation) and thorough overview of all grammar rules on SAT/ACT

* Textbook guided review and practice of math with 10 full practice tests.

* Improved study habits and concentration

* Weekly individual counseling and feedback tackling individual trouble with approaching the different questions

For further details, please email or text me (please include student's grade/school/location/target SAT or ACT test date and score)

(408) 838-7951

***** Score Update *****

MARCH 2019

7 out of 7 students >> 1500+ !!!

1570 (English 770/Math 800)
1560 (English 760/Math 800)
1540 (English 740/Math 800)
1520 (English 720/Math 800)
1520 (English 730/Math 790)
1510 (English 720/Math 790)
1500 (English 730/Math 770)

October 2018 SAT
- 1550 (English 750/Math 800)
- 1540 (English 740/Math 800)

August 2018 SAT
- 1570 (English 800/Math 770)
- 1550 (English 750/Math 800)
- 1540 (English 740/Math 800)

June 2018 SAT (harshest curve ever)
- 1570 (English 800/Math 770 - one wrong in math)
- 1560 (English 760/Math 800 - 4 wrong in reading)

May 2018 SAT
- 1550 (English 750/Math 800)
March 2018 SAT
- 1580 (English 780/Math 800)
- 1570 (English 790/Math 780)
- 1560 (English 760/Math 800)

December 2017 SAT
- 1600 (English 800/Math 800)
- 1560 (English 760/Math 800)
- 1550 (English 750/Math 800)
- 1530 (English 730/Math 800)
- 1530 (English 750/Math 780)
2018 ACT **2 perfect scores**

- 36 (English 36 / Math 36 / Reading 36 / Science 36)
- 36 (English 36 / Math 36 / Reading 35 / Science 35)
- 35 (English 36 / Math 36 / Reading 36 / Science 33)

작성일2019-05-13 20:08

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

자녀교육 목록
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