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대학진학 | 2010 가을학기 UC freshman 진학생 필독

페이지 정보



UC to Wait-list Some Freshman Applicants
For the first time in its history, UC will implement a waitlist process for fall 2010 freshman admissions. All campuses, except UCLA and UC Merced, will participate.

The university is faced with an overenrollment of more than 15,000 students and must carefully balance new student enrollment with state funding. A waitlist is an enrollment management tool that enables campuses to attain their enrollment targets with greater precision while offering a space to as many deserving students as possible.

What students need to know:

They might receive waitlist offers from more than one campus. Students may accept as many offers as they wish.
Once offered a spot on a waitlist, they must opt in. Instructions for doing so will be included with the waitlist notification.
Even if they accept a waitlist offer (or several), students should submit a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) to a UC campus or other institution they have been accepted to. If they later accept an offer of admission from a campus where they have been wait-listed, they will forfeit their deposit at the first campus.
Wait-listed applicants will be notified no later than June 1 so families can plan appropriately.
Preliminary financial aid awards will be sent shortly after offers of admission and before applicants have to make a decision about accepting. Additionally, SIRs of wait-listed students will be considered on time for purposes of housing and orientation, provided they are submitted by the deadline stated in the offer of admission.
Eligible applicants who don’t receive an admission offer from any campus they applied to will be in the referral pool, even if they are on the waitlist at another campus.
Campuses will still consider appeals. Applicants who feel they have grounds for an appeal should submit one, but they should keep in mind that the purpose of the appeals process is to deal with errors and compelling new information and hardship. Students cannot appeal for a spot on the waitlist.

작성일2010-02-10 12:11

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