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비자 | 20,000 More U.S. Work Visas Available

페이지 정보



Filipino Express, News Report,
By Emelyn Tapoan, May 13, 2005

NEW YORK --- The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has made available 20,000 new work visas for foreign workers, in addition to the annual cap of 65,000 H-1B visas mandated by the Congress.

But USCIS said the added work visas are only for foreign workers with a minimum master’s level degree from a U.S. academic institution.

The new regulations are part of the changes in the sections of the H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2004, and will take effect upon publication in the Federal Register this month, according to a press release sent by Shawn Saucier, USCIS northeast area manager of communications.

After careful consideration of the H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2004 and assuming regulations publish according to schedule, USCIS has determined that it is a reasonable interpretation of the Act of 2004 to re-open the filing period for FY 2005 on May 12, 2005, and make available 20,000 new H-1B numbers limited solely to those aliens who have received a master’s or higher degree from a US institution of higher education.

The H-1B visa program is utilized by some U.S. businesses to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise in a specialized field, such as scientists, engineers or computer programmers.

Congress created the H-1B program more than 50 years ago, and established an annual cap of 65,000 in 1990, the press release said.

As part of the H-1B program, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) requires U.S. employers to meet specific labor conditions to ensure that American workers are not adversely impacted, while the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division safeguards the treatment and compensation of H-1B workers.

작성일2005-05-19 17:56

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