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기타 | 콜렉션 패이먼트

페이지 정보



콜랙션님이 2012-09-20 15:50:08.0에 쓰신글
>사정이 있어서 콜렉션에 매달 페이먼트를 내고 있었습니다.
>오늘 마지막 페이먼트를 내면서 페이 오프한 내용의 편지 한장만 보내 달라고 하니깐 법적으로 더 이상 저한테는 편지를 보내지 못한다고 하네요.
>그냥 뭐 페이먼트를 다했으니깐 괜찮겠지 하고 생각은 하지만 그래도 뭔가를 해야 하지 않을까 하는 생각이 듭니다.
>확실하게 증거를 남기기 위해 뭔가를 해야 하나요 아니면 그냥 페이 오프했으니깐 그냥 가만히 있어도 될까요?

“사정이 있어서 콜렉션에 매달 페이먼트를 내고 있었습니다. 오늘 마지막 페이먼트를 내면서 페이 오프한 내용의 편지 한장만 보내 달라고 하니깐 법적으로 더 이상 저한테는 편지를 보내지 못한다고 하네요. 그냥 뭐 페이먼트를 다했으니깐 괜찮겠지 하고 생각은 하지만 그래도 뭔가를 해야 하지 않을까 하는 생각이 듭니다. 확실하게 증거를 남기기 위해 뭔가를 해야 하나요 아니면 그냥 페이 오프했으니깐 그냥 가만히 있어도 될까요?”------------> Sine you have  been making debt payments and are now down to the last payment, then you'll require a record from the collection agency acknowledging you've paid the debt in full. This is when you'll need a Paid in Full letter(A paid in full statement is a letter to your creditor that explains the details of the debt owed and how and when you will pay this amount) You should send a Paid in Full letter to your creditor or collection agency once you have paid the agreed amount in full. A Paid in Full letter notifies your creditor or collection agency of your final debt payment. It also requests acknowledgement of the completed debt payment in writing. The letter not only informs the agency of the final and last payment but also warns of repeated collection efforts. Alternatively, you can also receive a "Paid in Full" letter from the creditor or collection agency informing you that the debt has been paid in full.

Generally, once you pay off the debt in full, the collection agency informs the credit bureaus about it. The credit bureau in turn should update your account status as "Paid" on your credit report. You should pull your credit report and find out whether your account status has been updated or not.
So, you need to check your credit report again to make sure the status of the debt is updated properly. Once paid, the debt should have a zero balance and a status of paid collection. If you ask in writing, some collection agencies will agree to remove the debt from your credit report after you pay it. They are not required to do this, however. Just make sure you get their agreement to remove it in writing prior to making any payments on the debt. If the information on your credit report isn't accurate, dispute it with the credit bureaus and use any written agreements that you have as proof; yet another reason why you should get everything in writing when paying a debt collector

작성일2012-09-21 13:21

콜랙션님의 댓글

Thank you so much for your recommendation.

Tim6129님의 댓글

No problem;good luck~~

진보님의 댓글

have you paid only intererest or including principal?
credit company must clearify your record.
what is reason not send all record info? do you still owe some?

진보님의 댓글

clarify ,, sorry
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