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민사 | 숏세일후 컬렉션에서 돈 내라고 하는데요.

페이지 정보



증말님이 2010-09-29 10:34:46에 쓰신글
>1차 2차 같은 은행에서 숏세일 승인받아 팔았어요
>거의 1년반 지났는데 컬렉션 에이젼시에서
>차액을 내라는 청구장이 왔어요,
>낼 형편이 안돼는데 어떡하나요??
>숏세일하면 부채 탕감해 주는거 아닌가요??
>집은 헐값에 남 주고 돈은 돈대로 내라고 하면
>누가 숏세일 하겠어요??
>부동산분도 저에게 미리 알려준 사항도 아니고
>참 난감하네요.
>지불하지 않으면 저에게 어떤 불이익이 오나요??
>꼭 조언 부탁드려요.

QUOTE," 숏세일하면 부채 탕감해 주는거 아닌가요?? "----  as u can see, a short sale occurs when ur property is sold for less than what is needed to pay off any loans on the property. When ur debt is cancelled, ur  lender later cancels or forgives the debt, u may have to include the cancelled amount in income for tax purposes, depending on the circumstances. When you borrowed the money you were not required to include the loan proceeds in income because you had an obligation to repay the lender.When that obligation is subsequently forgiven, the amount u received as loan proceeds is reportable as income because u no longer have an obligation to repay the lender. Ur lender is usually required to report the amount of the canceled debt to u and the IRS on a Form1099-C, Cancellation of Debt.
However, REMEBER this: Cancellation of Debt income  is not always taxable.There are some exceptions. The most common situations when cancellation of debt income is not taxable involve:as u go bankrupt, u caqn't pay off ur debt, then the debts discharged through  bankruptcy are not considered taxable income.So nlo tax liability o n it. Or anotehr example b that  If u are insolvent when the debt is cancelled, some or all of the cancelled debt may not be taxable to u. What I eman b that u are insolvent when ur total debts are more than the fair market value of ur total assets.

Fo further info on cancelled debt , pleae visit the website: http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0%2C%2Cid=174034%2C00.html
Read"2. Is Cancellation of Debt income always taxable?" section

"차액을 내라는 청구장이 왔어요,  . . . 지불하지 않으면 저에게 어떤 불이익이 오나요??"----Even though  the short sale is consummated, ur troubles may not be over. Ur bank may continue to pursue u for the deficiency, the difference between the sales price and the mortgage balance.U may be liabile for the taxes. First of all, I bet u need to go check ur sitaution as said above.The government has passed a law that excludes certain borrowers from this tax afer either short sale or foreclosure sale, OK?? The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007 says that there will be no tax on the forgiven debt, if ur debt relief was incurred between 2007 and 2009,
the debt was for purchase and improvement of ur house, or
the debt was secured by ur primary residence, or 
the amount forgiven  debt was no more than $2 Million for a married couple ( if appliacble to u).

REMEBER;if u did a short sale on a rental property or even a vacation home, the tax would be due, meaning that u must pay the taxes as required by the IRS.

If u do not pay taxes that U owe the IRS, then it can result in IRS penalties, and in turn interest that can compound over years and make ur tax debt substantially larger than it initially was. Non-payment of this debt can then result in even more IRS penalties and interest, a levy on yur wages or bank account, a lien against your property, or even a seizure of ur assets.

U should consult with ur attorney to determine the status of ur mortgage.
Hope this helps, bud~~~~

작성일2010-09-30 03:50

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