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민사 | 악플러처리의 외부경제혜택 [40]

페이지 정보



양대자격증 진리의 법창야화 [658]

악플러처리의 외부경제혜택 [40]

569, 573회에 이어….

상당히 오랜만에 이 주제로 돌아온다. 당시만 해도 대선전인 지난해 12월이니… 그리고 얼마전 652회 특집에서도 재발표했고….

이번에는 영문 서류 일부를 인용하면서…

Both Republic of Korea and the United States are free democratic countries and are not communistic countries and are not dictatorship countries and are not hereditary countries like DPRK (Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea). And still DPRK is threatening Republic of Korea and the United States and committed terrors including Chunanham Incident, Yunpyungdo Incident, KAL Incident, while producing weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons and long distance missiles. And both governments including judicial branches of Korea and the United States should protect the countries and people thereof and therein against the communistic hereditary dictatorship Kim Regime of DPRK.
Still the defendants and other supporters for Kim Regime of DPRK including the communists and spies have defamed the free democratic patriotic persons including Plaintiff and other writers as stated in the complaint and interfered with and attempted to drive out from free speech websites … and their attempt was remarkably successful as stated in the complaint. And their acts violated criminal laws as well as civil laws. Also their acts are against Patriot Acts and Laws of the United States and against the National Security Law of Korea.
The major differences between DPRK and the United States are the people of the United States enjoy free speech sometimes even including free speech of communists and anti-America persons and terrorists. On the contrary, there is absolutely no free speech right in DPRK. For example, we can blame or even insult politicians in Korea or in the United States such as calling as mouse or frog or snake. But if the people in DPRK make minor blames against Il Sung Kim or Jung Il Kim or Jung Eun Kim or they insult one of the three Kims as pig, they are arrested and sent to the very terrible and very notorious political crime prisons. However, some anti-America or anti-Korea persons in Korea or in the United States are attempting to enjoy free speech and attempting to hurt the United States and Korea while supporting and praising dictatorial hereditary Kim Regime in DPRK by using and abusing the free speech rights. And one of the Defendants is attempting to protect the free speech right of those anti-America persons supporting Kim Regime who defamed Plaintiff and is hurting the United States-Korea alliance and hurting country of the United States. These anti-America and anti-Korea speeches are very serious not only in Korea but also in the United States at this time. To protect free democratic society and the people thereof, we need to punish them, at least civilly. So, Plaintiff planned to punish them including the current individual defendants. But /// is interfering with him through refusals to Plaintiff’s discovery requests with a lot of objections.
Website employees have been also from Korea and enjoy their free democratic society in the United States now. Therefore, Plaintiff suggested them to join him as a co-plaintiff in this action but they refused it; it not only refused but also it is seriously interfering with discovery efforts of Plaintiff who is making serious efforts for the justice for free democratic society against communism and against the hereditary dictatorship for three generations in DPRK. It is likened that the act of the objections of Defendant to the full and adequate responses to Plaintiff’s discovery requests are similar to the act of the person who interrupts a police officer who is trying to chase and arrest the criminals. Therefore, Defendant’s objections are unacceptable in this free democratic country of the United States. Its full and adequate responses to his discovery requests is the duty of the persons who enjoyed free democratic Korea and now are enjoying the free democratic United States. Rather, they should cooperate with Plaintiff in searching and finding them and punishing them at least civilly and stopping or discouraging their anti-America acts while supporting the most vicious hereditary dictatorship regime of DPRK, which is also producing nuclear weapons and long distance missiles.

동서문화원/ 동서법률/ 사법혁신원// 공인통역사/공인법무사/변호사평가사// LA서울라이온스클럽 차기회장 이 진 213-482-1805


또 다른 연재, “사혁원장 진리의 인용/사설”은 오늘은 쉽니다.

저희의 페이스북에 저희의 글들을 찾아볼 수 있으니 들르세요. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=149736875073602#!/notes.php?id=100000018391388

중앙일보 블로그에도 있으며, 거기에서 동영상/ 음악도 감상하세요.

작성일2013-06-09 13:09

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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