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민사 | 소송서류 피고에게 전달 방법 to Deliver[Serve] claim to defendant

페이지 정보



소송서류 피고에게 전달 방법
to Deliver[Serve] claim to defendant

small claim 소액재판 소송 서류를 전달해야하는 기간은

1. 18살 이상 개인이 직접 갔다주는 personal service 는
재판날 15일 전에 delivery 되어야하고
안받겠다면 그냥 놓고와도 된다.
[ 이사 간 경우는 안됨. ]
at least 15 days before the court date
[or 다른 카운티면, 20 days if the person, business, or public entity(대기업) you are serving is outside the county].

서류를 갖다 준 사람은
Proof of Service, Form SC-104 을 fill out 해서 원고에게 주면
원고는 법원에 제출하면 된다.

2. 제 삼자에게 부탁하는 대리 전달은 for substituted service
피고가 여행 중이라도 그 집에 사는 사람에게 전해주면 되는데
재판날 25일 전까지 배달되어야한다.
하지만 개인전달로 간주하게되면 15일 이전이라도 상관이 없는걸로 알지만,,,
For substituted service :
Serve your claim at least 25 days before your court date
[or 30 days if the person, business, or public entity you are serving is outside the county].

3. 타주이고 대기업이면 재판날 30일 전에 배달 되어야한다.

이제 중요한 ‘Certified Mail 배달 증명 우편’ 전달 이다.
3-1. 카운티가 먼 경우, 원고가 sheriff 에게 ‘Certified Mail’로 보내는 방법 과
3-2. 법원에 신청해서 법원이 ‘Certified Mail’ 을 보내는 방법이다.
[1. 2. 어느쪽이던 $40 달러, 저소득은 소송비 일체 무료]

만일 법원이 보내면 7-10 일 후에 법원에를 가라.
certified mail Return Receipt 복사해준다.
허나 복사해 준 영수증을 보면,
피고쪽이 서류를 받았는지 아닌지
[변호사는 알지만] 일반인은 알수가 없다.
county record 에 전화를 걸면 이메일로 피고가 받았다는 영수증을 보내준다.

피고가 받았는지 확인방법,
오른쪽 위 B. Received by name 에 이름, 날자가 있으면 받은게 된다.
주의 ;
오른쪽 위 B. Received by name 피고가 이름을 알수없게 쓰면
판사도 누구도 읽을수가 없는경우 배달 무효가되고,
판사에게 미움을 받는다. .
그러나 소송이 무효는 아니다.
다른 방법은
법원에 certified mail 접수하면서
certified mail tracking number 를 달라하고 
우체국 online 에서 찾으면 된다.
무료 아니고 돈을 낸다.
2017 Certified Mail® Costs

USPS, certified mail tracking
35 tracking numbers
[대부분은 번호가 22개 로 알고있는데 ?]
참조 REF ;
법원 서류를 피고에 전달하는 방법 3가지


Three different ways to serve someone in a small claims case :
1. Personal Service 
Fill out the Proof of Service (Small Claims)
Form SC-104
2. Substituted Service
If the person you have to serve is not at home or work when your server goes there, your server can give the court papers to :
- A competent adult (at least 18) living at the home with the person to be served; or
- An adult who seems to be in charge where the person to be served usually works; or
- An adult who seems to be in charge where the person receives mail

Your server also has to :
- Tell the person he or she is leaving the court papers with to give them to the person you are suing.
- Write down the name of the person he or she gave the court papers to. If the person will not give his or her name, your server must write down a physical description of the person who took the papers.
- Mail another copy of the court papers by first-class mail to the person you are suing at the same address where your server left the papers.
- Fill out the Proof of Service (Small Claims) Form SC-104 and sign it on page 2. The server MUST also fill out and sign the Proof of Mailing (Substituted Service)
Form SC-104A Mailing
for the second step of mailing a copy of the Plaintiff's Claim. Once the server fills out both forms, he or she must return the completed forms to you so you can file them with the clerk.

* What is Proof of Service? (Small Claims) infor only, Form SC-104B
3. Service by Certified Mail by the Court Clerk

* How to Serve a Business or Public Entity (Small Claims)
Info to read Form SC-104C

추가 정보 ; certified mail 은
여러분이 sheriff department 에 보내기도하고, 법원이 대신 보내주기도한다.
비용은 어느쪽을 하던 $40 달러이고,

저소득은 모든 소송비가 무료이나
양식을 신청해야 ,,,
Request to Waive Court Fees

1. $40 Plaintiff mails to sheriff department 카운티가 멀면, or
2. $40 Court mails to defendant, 소송을 한 법원에서

You can pay the court clerk to mail your claim to the person you are suing by certified mail. This can be very convenient and the fee is low.

But this type of service can also be very unreliable. The court will probably not accept it and will make you serve again (with personal or substituted service) if :

- The person you are suing or the person's agent for service does not sign the certified mail receipt with his or her complete name ;
- The judge cannot read the signature on the certified mail receipt and cannot tell who signed it; or
- Someone else signs the receipt.
Serve Your Papers Before the Deadline,
The deadline you have to serve your Plaintiff's Claim (Form SC-100) depends on HOW you serve the claim :
- For personal service : Serve your claim at least 15 days before the court date (or 20 days if the person, business, or public entity you are serving is outside the county).
- For substituted service : Serve your claim at least 25 days before your court date (or 30 days if the person, business, or public entity you are serving is outside the county). If the person, business, or public entity you have to serve is outside California or if you are serving a different form, ask the small claims legal advisor for more information.

작성일2017-07-11 22:10

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