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세금 | IRA정보

페이지 정보



세금상담님이 2011-01-19 09:50:58에 쓰신글
>세금상담님이 2011-01-17 12:06:08에 쓰신글
>>IRS을 납입하면 세금을 공제한다는데
>>IRS에 가입하면 회사에서도 보조를 해주는지
>>그리고, 이자나 투자수익은 있는지 궁금합니다.

QUOTE," IRS을 납입하면 세금을 공제한다는데 RS에 가입하면 회사에서도 보조를 해주는지그리고, 이자나 투자수익은 있는지 궁금합니다."---> I guess what you mean be your retirement pension plan, I mean  ur IRA, individual retirement account also called TRADITIONAL IRA. In general yes you can UNLESS your personal AGI, adjustrd gross income, NOT Taxable income is above the certain level.Contributions you make to your traditional IRA may be fully or partially deductible, depending on your AGI and other cercumstances (I guess  ur filing status, and availability of other retirement plans (mandated by the Internal Revenue Service), and generally, amounts in your traditional IRA (including  accumulated earnings and gains) are not taxed until distributed. Transactions in the account, including interest, dividends, and capital gains, are not subject to tax while still in the account, but upon withdrawal from the account ( when u retire) then withdrawals are subject to federal income tax
Please vidit ther IRS Website on Taditional IRA; http://www.irs.gov/retirement/article/0,,id=226255,00.html

"가입하면 회사에서도 보조를 해주는지. . . "---->  Not for traaditional iRA; however, in the case of Simplified Employee Pension,SEP-IRA allows employers to make contributions to their employees' retirement accounts of up to 25 percent of the employee's compensation, or $42,000, whichever is less. As their personal contribution, the employee may contribute the smaller of $4,000 or 100 percent of their compensation to the SEP IRA annually.Another IRA allowing employers to contribute to employees' retirement accounts is Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees, SIMPLE paln. The SIMPLE IRA enables employers with fewer than 100 employees to establish an individual retirement account for each participating employee. The SIMPLE IRA has requirements similar to a Traditional IRA, however individual contribution limits are higher. The employer can match all or a part of the employee's contribution

작성일2011-01-19 17:29

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