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에스더~님이 2012-03-02 17:27:05.0에 쓰신글
>작년(2011년)6~7월까지.일이있어서  부르면 가고.  일이없으면.안 가고...
>어쨌던6~7월까지.세금보고를해야하는데요~정말1000불에서천 오백. 도않 돼는금액인데요.  (비지네스 책 으로받았음)할수도.않 할수도 없네요?
>만약  않 하면 어찌돼나요.?
>일 한곳에서..세금보고서류를받아서해야하는데...그것을받으려가는비용& 사무실비용
>이더  많읍니다. 
>정보 부탁합니다.

어쨌던6~7월까지.세금보고를해야하는데요~정말1000불에서천 오백. 도않 돼는금액인데요. (비지네스 책 으로받았음)할수도.않 할수도 없네요?”---->It depends; Many people will file a 2011 Federal income tax return even though the income on the return was below the filing requirement.You need to file your Federal Income Tax return as long as you have Federal taxes withheld from your pension and wages for this tax year and wish to get a refund back;you had you self-employed with net earnings of more than $400.00or etc. If not, you actually do not have to file your fed and state returns.I assume that you are an independent contractor, a self employer, I mean, then, as long as the amount on Sch C line 29/31 is $400 or exceeds $400, then you ned to file Sch C of 1040 also as long as the amount on Sch SE line 4 is $400 or exceeds $400, you MUST pay self employment tax, SECA Tax to the IRS; Self-employment tax is a tax consisting of Social Security and Medicare taxes primarily for individuals who work for themselves. It is similar to the Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from the pay of most wage earners. The 2010 Tax Relief Act reduced the self-employment tax by 2% for self-employment income earned in calendar year 2011. The self-employment tax rate for self-employment income earned in calendar year 2011 is 13.3%,NOT 15.3% (10.4% for Social Security and 2.9% for Medicare). For self-employment income earned in 2010, the self-employment tax rate is 15.3%. The rate consists of two parts: 12.4% for social security (old-age, survivors, and disability insurance) and 2.9% for Medicare (hospital insurance).ALSO, If you are filing as a sole proprietor and/or a self-employed individual, you generally have to make estimated tax payments if you expect to owe tax of $1,000 or more( I mean your tax after crdit(s) / prepayments) when you file your return.If you are filing as a corporation,either S corp/C corp , then, you generally have to make estimated tax payments for your corporation if you expect it to owe tax of $500 or more when you file its return.However, you do not have to pay your quarterly estimated tax for the current year if you had no tax liability for the prior year ;you were a U.S. citizen or resident for the whole year ;your prior tax year covered a 12 month period.
“만약 않 하면 어찌돼나요.?”--->As described above, if you do not have to file your return, then nothing happens evn though you do not file your returns, fed and state return.
“일 한곳에서..세금보고서류를받아서해야하는데...그것을받으려가는비용& 사무실비용
이더 많읍니다. “--->Unless the amount on Sch C line 29/31 is $400 or exceeds $400, you do not have to file your return(s).

작성일2012-03-02 18:18

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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