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상법 | 양도및 매매

페이지 정보



A lease gives a tenant an interest in a property. When the present owner sells the property, the lease moves with it and the sale has no effect on the lease. What can change, however, is the intent of the new owner. While the prior owner might have intended to rent the property to the same tenants for as long as they wanted to stay, the new owner may have other plans. How the new owner's plans may affect the tenant depends on what type of lease is in effect and the location of the property.  As the current tenant has a fixed-term lease, the new owner can't make any changes to the lease. He cannot raise the rent, take away parking rights, shift responsibility for utility payments or, especially, evict a tenant. Every clause is unchangeable until the term expires. What happens after the lease term expires, however, is another story. Sometimes the lease itself explains what happens next , for instance, the lease continues on a month-to-month basis or it ends. In either of these cases, the new landlord can make any changes to the tenancy, including ending it, with a thirty-day notice.

리스계약서의 내용을 살펴보시길

작성일2013-11-07 07:31

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