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상법 | unemployeement insurance claim

페이지 정보



can an employee file unemployeement insurance claim while working at the same company. The employee's hours were reduced due to an economic down turn, and he agreed to the reduced hours.he is currently working at the company, and claimed unemployement benefit at the same time.

please help, if this is possible.

작성일2017-04-17 16:44

BK님의 댓글

No. Because he is not unemployed.

WA세무사님의 댓글

Although most people collecting unemployment do not work at all, you may qualify for unemployment if your work hours are drastically cut. Then, you  are considered to be "partially unemployed" because you are no longer working full time or making enough to support yourself but you have jobs. You can get a percentage of your full unemployment benefits if you become partially unemployed;  ALSO,  rememeber;  if you previously worked full-time and take a part-time job to help with the bills, you still might receive partial unemployment; most states consider you to be partially unemployed if your hours were cut. Your hours must be cut drastically; if you are cut back from 35 hours to 30 hours, for example, you may not qualify. You usually do not receive the full amount of unemployment you would be entitled to if you were not working at all, but may receive a benefit similar to what part-time workers receive while on unemployment
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