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기타 | Prepaid Legal Service 의 실상 - Part 3

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Guilty Verdict

News of the reporting problems came just days after
Pre-Paid weathered a legal setback.

A Mississippi jury last week found both the company
and its founding CEO, Harland Stonecipher,
guilty of fraud and deceptive advertising, according to
plaintiffs' attorney Doug Minor.

Still, Pre-Paid has limited resources.

Minor said that the company's net worth dropped from $41.5 million
last summer to $22.5 million when the first trial started in October.
In contrast, he said, Stonecipher saw his own net worth jump --
to nearly twice the company's own -- during that period.

Moreover, the company could still face big damage awards
in the future.

Minor said that his firm will continue to fight for
punitive damages in a number of pending cases
involving hundreds of Mississippi plaintiffs
"because we believe the conduct the jury found fraudulent
is also conduct that should be punished."

The company will next defend itself three months from now
in Holmes County, a Mississippi region notorious for its "jackpot justice."

Pre-Paid has set aside $3 million to cover any major damages
that may result from the lawsuits.
The company -- which markets its product as essential --
carries no legal insurance itself.

위에 기사 는 그리 어렵지 않은 글이라 굳이 따로 번역 은 않겠습니다.
다음 은 최 근래의 사람들의 편지 입니다.

작성일2009-02-22 12:59

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