* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

딸기 롤케이크 만드는 법

페이지 정보



1.Sift 1/3 cup cake flour.
2.Put 2 Tbsp milk into 1.5 Tbsp vegetable oil and mix.
3.Put the sifted flour (1) into (2) and mix.
4.Put 1/4 cup & 1 Tbsp sifted skim milk into (3) and mix.
5.Beat about 4 egg whites. Put in 1/4 cup sugar in 2 steps to make hard meringue.
6.Trisect (5) and put it in (4).Mix well the first time and mix softly second and the third .
7.Pour (6) on the top plate covered with the oven sheet oiled lightly .
8.Bake for 12 minutes in the oven preheated at 340°F.
9.Cover with an oven sheet once baked, turn over, let it cool as it is.
10.Prepare the strawberries. Hollow out the calyx of strawberries.
11.Prepare the cream. Put 1 Tbsp & 1/2 tsp sugar , 2 1/2 tsp sweetened condensed milk in 1/2 cup & 1 T. heavy cream , and whip.
12.Turn over (9) once again to make the browned surface up .
13.Paint the cream(11) to the whole so that the front become thick. Don't paint the part of winding end (about 1 1/2 inches).
14.Connect the strawberries and arrange on it.
15.Involve it.
16.Wrap in oven sheet , and fold the ends, and cool in the refrigerator.
17.Cut into the size of your choice.
(I tried my best)

추천 0

작성일2015-06-20 13:20

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