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미용실, 이발소 밖에서 영업할 수 있도록 주 정부에 요청... California salon, barbershop owners…

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California salon, barbershop owners ask Newsom to let them work outside
Indoor salon services are prohibited in watch list counties, but state regulations say stylists can’t work outside

Hairstylists and barbers are asking Gov. Gavin Newsom to change a state regulation that prohibits them from working outdoors.

On Monday, Newsom signed an order that closed indoor services across a number of industries — including salon and barbershop services — in 30 hard-hit counties on the governor’s watch list, affecting 80% of Californians and seven out of the nine Bay Area counties.

The order specified that indoor services for these businesses had to close, leaving the door open for outdoor services to continue.

But hairstylists and barbers are subject to section 7317 of the Business and Professions Code, which requires “all barbering, cosmetology and electology services be performed in a licensed establishment,” according to the California State Board of Barbering & Cosmetology.

And on Monday, the board issued a statement saying that “establishments that are within the specified counties must close immediately and not offer any services (including any outdoor services).”

Now, hairstylists and barbers are calling on Newsom to change section 7317 of the code. They are represented by a letter signed by Assemblymember Jim Patterson (R-Fresno) and Fred Jones, legal counsel for the Professional Beauty Federation of California, which represents 3,000 dues-paying members.

There’s a precedent for pandemic-related changes, the letter argues. The California Alcohol Beverage Control’s Temporary Catering Authorization allows restaurants and bars to create an outdoor area to serve food and alcohol, and earlier this year, state regulators loosened restrictions on cannabis dispensaries and restaurants serving alcohol to make it easier for them to weather the effects of COVID-19 on their industries.

“If you can waive rule after rule after rule for taking booze outside, you can let these people take their business outside,” said Patterson, who held a virtual press conference with Jones and salon owners to discuss the letter.

California Department of Consumer Affairs spokesperson Cheri Gyuro said that the Board of Barbering & Cosmetology “understands the effect shutdowns have on businesses and is sensitive to that.”

“As it stands at this moment, under current laws and regulations, the services cannot be performed outside. However, we are looking deeply into this issue and we’re exploring options,” Gyuro said.

Over Zoom, salon owners shared their stories, warning that the latest round of closures could be devastating to their industry if they’re not able to continue working at all.

They were also careful to note that working outdoors wouldn’t be a panacea. While stylists can cut hair outside, services like shampooing and coloring, which require access to running water, likely wouldn’t be able to make the transition. Salon owners repeated arguments that they are more qualified to provide safe services than some industries still allowed to operate indoors, citing the hundreds of hours of training on sanitation and hygiene necessary to become a licensed cosmetologist in the state of California.

“We are being completely overlooked to have the opportunity to put food on our table by performing services we are licensed to do,” said Glendale salon owner Rosey Ibarra, fighting back tears.

But allowing outdoor services could still “provide some relief to our industry,” Jones said. In many counties, salons and barbershops — classified as non-essential services — have been closed for much of the duration of the pandemic. In Santa Clara County, they reopened for the first time on Monday: hours before they learned they would have to close again by 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday.

Remaining completely closed right now could mean closing her salon for good, said Jessica Santiago, whose Long Beach salon Benders has been open for less than two years and doesn’t have the capital built up to survive the pandemic.

“So many hairstylists are going underground,” Santiago said. “This is going to be an even worse situation because we have no idea what people are doing for sanitation in their homes. There’s no way you can regulate that at all whatsoever. And, guess what? You can’t tax them, either. They’re going to put all of that money in their pocket. That’s not going to be good for anyone.”
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작성일2020-07-16 17:14

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