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곧 로열 타이틀 뺏길 메건마클과 LA 에서 nappies봉사중인 멍청이 해리

페이지 정보



Piers Morgan has called for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to be stripped of their titles after Meghan hit out at Donald Trump.

The Duchess of Sussex was a surprise guest on Michelle Obama’s ‘When All Women Vote’ event on Thursday and appeared to take a dig at the President ahead of the election, saying: “We all know what’s at stake”.

But the comments infuriated Piers, who accused her of breaching royal protocol – as royals are advised not to give political opinions.
Piers wrote: “The Queen must strip the Sussexes of their titles. They can’t remain as royals and spout off about foreign elections in such a brazenly partisan way.”

He added: “Last time I checked she’s still calling herself the Duchess of Sussex”.

Harry and Meghan stepped down as senior royals earlier this year – though they still hold the titles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

At the event, Meghan called on women to vote – and appeared to take a dig at the President ahead of the election.

Meghan detailed why she didn’t like Trump in a 2016 interview on US talk show, The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore.

She said: “It’s really the moment I go. We film Suits in Toronto and I might just stay in Canada.

“Yes, of course, Trump is divisive, think about female voters alone, right?”

피어스모건이 아직까지 그녀자신이 스스로 the Duchess of Sussex 로 칭하며 메건이 US선거 정치적 발언으로 로열이 지켜야할 protocol 을 어겼기때문에 여왕으로 부터받은 공작부인 타이틀을 다시 뺏어야한다고 발언. 얼마전 신문사 여론조사에서도 메건마클 타이틀 다시 뺏어야한다고 거의모든 설문조사 참여자가 응답함.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been pictured handing out nappies and backpacks as they volunteer for a back-to-school charity event.

Both wearing face coverings, they distributed supplies, clothes and nappies at a drive-through run by Los Angeles charity Baby2Baby, which provides basic necessities for families in need,” The Sun reports.

Pictures show the Meghan and Prince Harry handing supplies in through the windows of vehicles at Dr Owen Lloyd Knox Elementary School in South LA on Wednesday.

The volunteering comes after it emerged the couple had bought a property in the celebrity hotspot of Santa Barbara for a reported £11 million.

The couple had been househunting for some time after relocating to the US from Canada just before the coronavirus lockdown.

Harry and Meghan plunged the royal family into a period of crisis when they announced earlier in the year that they wanted to step back from their positions as senior royals and become financially independent.

A summit of senior royals was convened by the Queen at Sandringham to discuss the issue, with Harry sitting down for talks with his grandmother, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge.

It was later announced they would no longer be working members of the monarchy, would split their time between Canada and the UK, with the majority in North America, and no longer be known as HRH.

LA 한 초등학교에서 아기들 기저귀와 옷등을 나눠주는 행사에 메건,해리가 참여해
이쯤하면 해리 행복한거죠? 찰스돈으로 누리고 살면서 마치 메건이 세상물정모르는 왕자 구제해 백수남편 먹여살리는 행세가 되버리네요.
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작성일2020-08-21 20:00

sansu님의 댓글

미국 사회 속에서 잘 어울리며 열심히 살아가려 노력하는 모습이 보기 좋은데 "멍청이"라니 말도 아니된다.

Torai님의 댓글

멍청이지 멍충아 저것들이 제대로 일을하고 살아봣겟냐 ㅉㅉ
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