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집 마당에서 엄마, 아빠와 놀고있던 10주된 강아지 훔쳐가는 일당

페이지 정보



  • Chipper, the French mastiff puppy, has been returned to owner, Matt Ivy, safely  
  • It's unclear who returned Chipper, but Ivy promised to share details on Thursday 
  • The pup was stolen from Ivy's yard by two men caught on surveillance video
  • Incident took place at Ivy's home in Mesquite, Texas no arrests have been made

Chipper has an implanted microchipChipper

Chipper is pictured gnawing on a bone while sitting in the lap of his owner's friendChipper is pictured nibbling on the ear of a grown French mastiff named Dyson

Earlier on Wednesday, a video of two men who were caught stealing Chipper from Ivy's (pictured, with his dogs) yard over the weekend, made headlines

'On my way to hopefully pick up Chipper!!!! Standby for confirmation,' Ivy said in his first update

Around 10pm, Ivy confirmed that Chipper was at home and safe

Dognapping in progress: This screenshot from surveillance footage shows an unnamed suspect reaching down to steal a French mastiff puppy from a Mesquite, Texas, yard Saturday

The pooch let out a yelp when the cruel thug lifted it by the scruffChipper is seen being lifted over the fence by the thief

At least two grown French mastiffs were standing nearby as the puppy was being taken 

The suspect tucked the puppy under his arm and walked back to his and his accomplice's Cadillac SUV 

The thieves seen in the CCTV footage might have ties to Lubbok or Amarillo, Texas

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작성일2018-10-11 08:10

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