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새크라멘토에도 코로나 바이러스 환자 발생

페이지 정보




Sacramento County Public Health confirms first case of travel.

Sacramento County health officials have confirmed the first case of travel-related 2019 novel coronavirus in the county.
The Sacramento County resident had recently traveled from China, where the outbreak of the novel coronavirus has been ongoing since December 2019.
The person, an adult, returned to the U.S. on Feb. 2.

According to Sacramento County Public Health, the person took precautionary measures during travel and has self-quarantined since returning. During that time, the person began exhibiting "mild symptoms," officials said.

After talking to their doctor, Sacramento County Public Health coordinated testing with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health.
"Currently, the individual is asymptomatic, but will remain home for mandatory isolation until cleared by Sacramento County Public Health. Sacramento County Public Health’s investigation determined that currently, the public’s risk of exposure is extremely low," health officials said in a statement.
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작성일2020-02-21 21:18

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