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남자친구 알렉스와 운동하러가는 제니퍼 로페즈

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Loved up:&nbspJennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez were spotted in Miami on Wednesday

Fitness buffs:&nbspThe superstar revealed her enviable physique in a dazzling white wardrobe as she visited Trufusion Gym

Impressive:&nbspThe Dinero songstress put her gorgeous gams on full display as the leggings were skin tight

Outspoken: 'They'd say, &quotYou should lose a few pounds", or &quotYou should do this or do that". It finally got to the point that I was like, &quotThis is who I am. I'm shaped like this"

Pert:&nbspAnd her pert derriere was thrust on center stage as the form fitting ensemble complimented her curves 

Hair story:&nbspHer trademark brunette tresses were swept up in a messy bun allowing her youthful face to shine

Body issues:&nbspSpeaking to InStyle, the star said that she was told to 'lose a few pounds' in order to get rid of her curvy physique and succeed as a pop star

Thrilled: Inside the venue, J-Lo was swamped by fans 

Publicity gig: She posed for selfies with fan during the promotional visit

Partners: The couple put on a devoted display as cameras clicked

New music Her new single Dinero played over the sound system during her trip to the gym

So in love: Jennifer and Alex couldn't hide their feelings for each other during their trip to the  gym

So close: The couple were inseparable and left the workout facility together

Arrive in style: Alex and Jennifer pulled up in their Rolls Royce

Shiny baubles: A new Rolls Royce can cost over $250,000

Fit: The two had worked up a sweat side by side with A-Rod taking off his shirt for the workout

Sweating it: The singer and actress appeared to be putting her heart and soul into the workout according to images her boyfriend posted to social media

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작성일2018-05-24 07:58

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