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SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — The CDC announced Thursday it is safe for fully vaccinated people to stop wearing masks in most indoor and outdoor settings.

Now, shoppers who are fully vaccinated can shop without masks at a handful of stores.

Trader Joe’s drops mask requirement for fully vaccinated shoppers
Trader Joe’s was reportedly the first major retailer to drop its indoor mask requirement for fully vaccinated shoppers.

Other major retailers are now following suit.

Fully vaccinated means it has been two weeks since a person received the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
CDC: Fully vaccinated people can end face mask use in most cases
Below is a list of stores who have updated their face mask guidance.

The list will be updated.

Walmart/Sam’s Club

Vaccinated customers and members can shop without a mask.

Why masks are still required in California
“Beginning today, vaccinated customers and members are welcome to shop without a mask, and we will continue to request that non-vaccinated customers and members wear face coverings in our stores and clubs.”

Beginning May 18, fully vaccinated associates will not need to wear a mask at work.

For more information, click here.


Costco members and guests who are fully vaccinated can shop without a face mask or face shield in Costco locations where the state of local jurisdiction does not have a mask mandate.

Fully vaccinated NFL players, staff no longer required to wear mask
In Costco locations where the state or local jurisdiction does have a mask mandate, members and guests will be required to wear a face mask or face shield.

Face coverings will still be required in healthcare settings, including Pharmacy, Optical and Hearing Aid.

For more information, click here.

Trader Joe’s

Trader Joe’s was reportedly the first major retailer to drop its indoor mask requirement for fully vaccinated shoppers.

California counties await mask, social distancing guidance
In an update on its COVID-19 page, TJ’s said they “encourage customers to follow the guidance of health officials, including, as appropriate, CDC guidelines that advise customers who are fully vaccinated are not required to wear masks while shopping.”

For more information, click here.
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작성일2021-05-14 17:16

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