* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

해리 왕자와 러프버러대학교 행사에 참석해 공놀이중인 메건 마클

페이지 정보



The Duchess of Sussex takes part in a netball drill as she visits Loughborough University this afternoon

Meghan is given a ball before throwing it at Loughborough University today during her visit with Prince Harry

Meghan in Loughborough today

The scheme trains hundreds of young apprentices and puts them in touch with the biggest sports clubs in the country 

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex smile as they attend the Coach Core Awards held at Loughborough University today

Meghan takes part in a training exercise today

More than 200 apprentices took part in a full day of sports training and mentoring before the awards ceremony today

The apprentices get tuition, a wage and hopefully a chance to become the next generation of sports coaches

The Duke and Duchess are joining graduates, new joiners and other apprentices to celebrate their achievements

Meghan picks up a ball in Loughborough

The Duchess of Sussex wears a blue top by Oscar de la Renta and trousers by Altuzarra at Loughborough University today

Meghan speaks to graduates as she attends the Coach Core Awards held at Loughborough University this afternoon

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrive at Loughborough University this afternoon to attend a coaching awards ceremony

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will present prizes at the Coach Core Awards, which will be hosted by&nbspJake Humphrey

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작성일2018-09-24 09:19

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