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강도 당할때 제대로 경호 못한 보디가드 소송한 킴 카다시안의 보험사

페이지 정보



  • Kim Kardashian's former bodyguard Pascal Duvier is being sued for $6 million 
  • Kardashian's insurance company said in a suit that he did not protect her the night she was robbed at gunpoint at her Paris hotel in October 2016
  • The insurance company also said there were security breaches he failed to report which allowed the gunmen to get into her hotel room
  • Duvier, who worked for Kardashian for four years, was fired a month after the robbery
  • The reality star was robbed of an estimated $10 million of cash and jewelry, including a $4.49 million ring and a jewelry box containing about $5.6 million
  • The leader of the gang who robbed Kardashian said they watched her Instagram to know when she would be in Paris and what jewelry she would have  

Kim Kardashian's former bodyguard Pascal Duvier is being sued for $6 million. Duvier and Kardashian are pictured a day before her Paris robbery 

Kardashian's security said in a lawsuit Duvier failed to protect the reality star and did not report security breaches

Duvier was fired as Kardashian's bodyguard a month after the robbery 

파리 패션위크 갔을때 아래 사진 인스타에 올림.  그리고 호텔에 강도듬

Hours before she was robbed at gunpoint, Kardashian was posting photos on Instagram (like this one above) of her jewelry 

Kardashian said she was tied and put in the bathtub as five masked men robbed her 

킴 호텔에 침입했던 강도들

Two of the gunmen who robbed Kim Kardashian are pictured. Police arrested eleven people in connection to the robbery 

추천 0

작성일2018-10-04 09:10

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