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주지사, 비상예산 사용을 위해 발표...California declares emergency to draw down budge…

페이지 정보



주정부 예산이 많이 모자라나 봅니다. 코비드 때문에 예상 이외의 지출이 발생하니 비상예산을 쓰려고 요청하거 의회는 투표에 들어 간다네요.


California declares emergency to draw down budget reserves

SACRAMENTO (KRON) – Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday issued a proclamation of a budget emergency to make additional resources available to fund the state’s ongoing emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This will ensure the availability of funding for personal protective equipment, medical equipment, and other expenditures as necessary to support a possible hospital surge and provide necessary services to vulnerable populations.

The proclamation clears the way for legislature to pass legislation allowing the state to withdraw from the state’s rainy day fund to help the state meet the COVID-19 crisis, which has triggered a global economic crisis and a $54.3 billion state budget deficit.

You can read more on the proclamation here.

The state Senate is set to vote on the budget later Thursday, and the Assembly will vote the following day.

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작성일2020-06-25 12:48

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