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1400 block of S Bascom Avenue. Fire

페이지 정보



어제 뉴스이지만 혹시라도..

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) -- Fire crews responded to a 3-alarm fire at an abandoned strip mall in San Jose Wednesday afternoon.

The fire occurred along the 1400 block of South Bascom Avenue.

The fire began at 1:15 p.m.

No injuries were reported.

As of 4:30 p.m., the fire was under control.

Flames and thick, black plumes of smoke were seen shooting up from the roof of the mall.

Residents were asked to avoid the area between Stokes Avenue and Southwest Expressway.

Fire crews will be staying on scene Wednesday evening in case of flare ups.

The cause of the fire is still being investigated.
추천 0

작성일2020-05-21 16:57

은퇴짜님의 댓글

지나주엔가? 요즘 미라니 글이 안 올라온다 해서 "미라니 아짐, manager하다가 director로 승진해서 이젠 여기서 알바 안해요"라고 댓글 달았는데, 이렇게 글 올리면 어케 해요. ㅋㅋ 암튼 반갑습니다.
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