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Two vaccine doses needed for strong protection against variant found in India, data show

신문: Financial Times, 05/22/2021

주요내용 발췌:
Two vaccine doses provided 81 per cent protection against the B.1.617.2 variant found in India, and 87 per cent against the B.1.1.7 strain first identified in Kent in south-east England, according to the Public Health England data that was presented to a meeting of the government’s New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag).

화이자와 아스트라제네카 백신을 영국에서 연구했는데
2차까지 전부 접종했을 때 효과가 좋았대요.
인도변이에 대해 81퍼센트, 영국변이에 대해 87퍼센트 효과.
꼭 2차까지 접종하세요!
1차만 맞으면 인도변이 33퍼센트 영국변이 51퍼센트.
추천 1

작성일2021-05-22 11:09

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