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보석금 없이 감옥에서 빨리 풀어준 사람들중 65% 재범으로 구속

페이지 정보



“I think it's a very, very dangerous time right now in California," Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert said.

She said Tibbitts' story is not unique. In just Sacramento County from March 2020 through September 2021, 5,100 inmates were released on zero bail.

The total number of rearrests was 4,400.

"Some of them have resulted in very serious violent charges, including, you know, a number of murders that we've had," Schubert said.

In San Diego County, repeat offenders are also common.

“It looks like close to 65% were rearrested after being released on zero bail,” District Attorney Summer Stephan said, "and of those that were rearrested 65% were also rearrested on a felony crime."


Sacramento 에서 2020년 3월부터 2021년 8월까지 4,400 명의 범죄자를 보석금 없이 풀어줌.  그중 65% 가 이미 중범죄 저질러서 다시 구속됨.

캘리포냐에서 76,000 명의 범죄자들 추가로 풀어주려고 하는데 검사들이 막으려고 노력중.

어쭙잖게 범죄자들 인권 지켜주느라 법을 준수하며 살아가는 절대다수 시민들의 인권은 짓밟히고 있습니다.
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작성일2021-12-14 16:31

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