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샌프란에서 얀센접종자들에게 부스터로 파이저 모더나 맞는거 허가

페이지 정보



J&J Covid vaccine recipients can get supplemental Pfizer or Moderna dose in San Francisco

The San Francisco Department of Public Health and Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital said Tuesday they are allowing patients who received Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose Covid-19 vaccine to get a second shot produced by either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.

J&J recipients can make a special request to get a “supplemental dose” of an mRNA vaccine, city health officials said in a statement to CNBC, declining to call the second shots “boosters.” J&J’s vaccine requires only one dose and recipients are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the shot.

On a call with reporters later Tuesday, San Francisco health officials said they are allowing patients to get the extra shots due to the high number of requests they were receiving from residents. They maintained that J&J’s vaccine is highly effective against the virus and its variants.

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작성일2021-08-08 08:49

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