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가을학기 산호세 선생님들은 학교로 출근.. Teachers in San Jose Unified School District r…

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Teachers in San Jose Unified School District required to return to classrooms next week

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) – Students in San Jose will begin the new school year learning at home but many teachers will need to show up to empty classrooms.

As part of the San Jose Unified School District’s plan for the upcoming school year, teachers will be required to be physically in their classrooms even though their students are at home. 

The district says the reasoning behind this is that teachers will have better resources, like strong wifi and tech support, at the schools. 

Teachers will also be in a better position if distance learning ends.

“When we are able to bring some students back then our teachers are going to need to be able to teach the kids that are in front of them in the classroom and the ones that are still at home because of health orders or illness,” Jodi Lax, Associate Superintendent of Instruction, said.

Many teachers are upset with the decision to have them teach distance learning from school . 

They point to the fact that the pandemic is not over and that returning to schools could put them at risk of exposure. 

Many teachers expressed their frustration at a recent school board meeting.

“I have look at all the reasons for teaching from campus and none of them seem compelling enough to risk staff members and their family members,” a teacher said.

The school district says teachers returning to work will need to follow social distancing requirements and that schools have enhanced their cleaning procedures.

Teachers and staff who can make a compelling argument to work from home may be allowed to do so on a case-by-case basis.
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작성일2020-08-04 15:38

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