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콘트라코스트 학교 소식... Contra Costa County will not allow elementary schools …

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Contra Costa County will not allow elementary schools to apply for waivers for in-person classes

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) – The Contra Costa Health Department says in-person education is too risky at this time, so the department will not be supporting the elementary school waiver applications.

When a public, private, or charter school applies to reopen for in-person classes, they must develop a thorough plan and follow strict guidelines set by the state.

Even schools in counties on the state’s COVID-19 watch list can apply, but they have to go through more steps to get approved.

However, until daily case rates, percent of positive test rates, and hospitalizations are stable or declining for at least two weeks, health officials here in Contra Costa County say they will not be reviewing any waiver requests.

It looks like health officials have already written out their own guidelines on top of the state’s, including frequent testing for teachers and contact tracing.

This department is not alone in thinking it’s too soon to allow in-person classes to resume – one of the state’s most powerful teacher’s unions is also saying it would be reckless to reopen schools.

Meanwhile, the California Association of Private School Organizations says it has seen considerable interest in applying for reopening.

It’s ultimately up to each county health officer to review the waiver applications and send them to the state.

The Contra Costa County health officials say they will be keeping the Office of Education in the loop about when schools can begin submitting waiver applications.
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작성일2020-08-05 12:29

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