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새벽 3시 20-30번 초인종 누르고 사라진 여성 찾아나선 텍사스 경찰

페이지 정보



  • Police are desperately searching for a woman who appears to be in need of help, captured on security cameras ringing doorbells in Sunrise Ranch, Texas
  • The woman went door-to-door without pants or shoes on at 3am Friday 
  • She was captured on one resident's security camera- in which she emerges from behind a bush and appears to be trying to be quiet
  • The woman seems to have broken restraints, possibly handcuffs on her wrists
  • By the time residents reached their doors the woman had vanished
  • Police are asking for the public's help in identifying the woman and any other information about the terrifying incident 

The woman is seen on a resident's security camera, around 3am Friday approaching the door with no pants or shoes on

In the short video that was captured by Jennie Drude's home security camera the woman appears to be quietly approaching the door

As the woman gets closer to the camera it appears she has some sort of restraints on her wrists

It looks like the woman has restraints on her wrists which become clearer as she reaches for the doorbell

The woman approaches the door and rings it but by the time any of the residents reached the door, she had vanished

The woman appeared to be in need of help- and now the cops in Sunrise Ranch, Texas are asking the public if they have any information 

After she rings the doorbell, we get a better look at her face's profile as she appears to look nervously down the block 

Jennie Drude's home security camera captured the chilling video of the woman who was ringing doorbells in Texas

The chilling video was taken in the quiet neighborhood of Sunrise Ranch, Texas on Friday

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작성일2018-08-28 14:42

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